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Businesses of all sizes can benefit from the legal, technical, and financial advantages of modern, secure email archiving. More than 75% of businesses fail to adequately archive critical business information, leaving vast quantities of mail either clogging computer networks, lost in routine cleanup or destroyed due to hardware failure.

With as much as 90 percent of business communication occurring over email, we at Cloud Decode understand how critical it is to keep it secure. We also understand that the time you take to manage your inbox and search for emails is time that could be much better spent on growing your business. Your email communications are the lifeblood of your business, so let us ensure that they are securely stored and easily accessible to you where and when you need them.

Cloud Decode secure email archiving solution ensures legal and regulatory compliance, together with highly reliable email storage and real-time retrieval. Our Email Archiving solution is fast, secure and affordable, providing your organization with :

Automatic, policy-driven archiving - Emails are moved from your inbox into a fast storage archive for however long you need them and given a “stub” of the original version so your inbox never runs out of space. The “stub” left behind is used to reference the original email, giving you access to it at any time and removing the need to scan mail back-up tapes.

Cost-effective storage - Our solution ensure that you get unlimited storage and at the same time the it is very cost effective and you won’t have to pay for the IT support costs to manage your storage.

Instant access to critical emails - HR and legal can instantly check for compliance issues and access communications through a fast, powerful search engine.

Our Solution copies of all emails in a central email archive to ensure the security and availability of any amount of data for years to come.

Users can still access their email using Microsoft Outlook, Web Access, or mobile devices such as tablets or smart phones, and search through them at breathtaking speed.

Emails apart from being most important ways of communicating, it is also one of the largest and most valuable information resources.

Advantages of Email Archiving

Legal Advantages

From a legal and regulatory standpoint, deleting email is potentially very dangerous for two reasons. First, email and other electronic content can contain business records, and second, the law, legal precedent and best practice require an organization to maintain its business records.

Cloud Decode email archiving solution allows you to meet legislative requirements to store email correspondence, whilst giving peace of mind that you have retained secure copies of all email messages from your workstation or servers – regardless of whether it has been deleted.

Economical Advantages

Total Protection Against Data Loss - Emails can be lost due to technical errors, such as corrupt PST files, or deleted intentionally or accidentally by users. Users often delete all their mailboxes upon leaving a company. MailStore Server can eliminate such risks completely.

Fast Search for All Users Increases Productivity - Emails are an important and very extensive knowledge resource. MailStore Server enables all users to access their emails easily and extremely fast, increasing productivity within the company.

Reduce IT Costs - Overloaded servers, increasing storage costs, and complex backup and restore processes place an enormous strain on IT departments and their budgets. MailStore Server permanently reduces these costs. It also shields against financial risks stemming from data loss or legal conflicts.

Technical Advantages

Eliminate Reliance on PST files

  • PST files contain business-critical information, yet they are housed locally
  • PST files have a huge impact on storage and backup
  • PST files are prone to data loss or corruption
  • PST files can be an e-discovery nightmare
  • With an email archiving solution in place, these issues simply go away.

    One-Click Restore for All Users - Users can restore emails from the archive with a single mouse-click. The administrator no longer has to go through the time-consuming process of recovering them from the backup.